
©︎Momo Yago

©︎Momo Yago

According to the 24 solar terms[24 Sekki] , we have entered the fifth season-Seimei-清明.


明=bright, cheerful,enlightened

It is a time when the air is clear, the light shines on all and everything appears vivid.

Also, it is a time when all things, including plants,animals and even something invisibles, are alive and full of life force, overflowing with purity and beauty.

Humans, of course, are a part of this. Do you feel this intersection with the changes of nature?

In China and some parts of Japan,people go to cemetary to pray and appreciate their endless cycles of lives and consider their spirits are in this world during Seimei.


I would like to say hello again to the many new people who have come here recently.

At Soen, we introduce the ancient calendar, Nijusseki, which tells the story of the seasons about every two weeks.

Being aware of this calendar, which reflects the phenomena of the natural world with subtlety and grace, allows us to take a break from our busy lives, to sharpen our senses to the environment around us, and to feel the satisfaction of simply immersing ourselves in the reality surrounding us.

To convey the Japanese culture that resides in the invisible and the formless. This is one of the things we cherish.


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