OUR KAKIGORI is back for the season of 2024!

Weekends and Mondays from 11:30am to 3pm at Courier Coffee.


The ingredients we use for our KAKIGORI are

・House-made from scratch

・Made with ingreents that ethically grown and traded

・Made from local ingredients that reflect the seasons

・Free from pesticide , fertilizer, MSG and Aritificial

as much as possible.

How Soen was [re]born from KAKIGORI:

It has been more than a couple of years since people started lining up for our KAKIGORI, a treat that almost no one knew existed back then.

In 2020, amidst the global pandemic, the world underwent a transformative period, embracing a new set of values that resonated deeply with us.

We seized this moment as an opportunity to develop an alternative project aimed at fostering connections between Japan and the U.S., and potentially on a global scale, by seamlessly intertwining online and real-world experiences.

Glimpse into our journey of Kakigori

For those unfamiliar, Kakigori is Japanese shaved ice—a beloved summer staple in my native Japan. However, upon relocating to Portland, OR from Japan in 2011, I was surprised by the absence of Kakigori in the U.S.

Driven by my craving for this delicacy and curiosity about its scarcity in town, my partner—a passionate coffee enthusiast—and I set out to explore Kakigori in Japan. Our journey took us from renowned specialty shops to quaint ramen joints, a café ingeniously integrated into a travel agency, vibrant summer festivals, and even casual family restaurants—all in pursuit of understanding and experiencing the essence of Kakigori culture.

At the very beginning

My partner has owned a tiny coffee shop called Courier Coffee Roasters in Downtown Portland. I carved out a small corner of the space and quietly started serving Kakigori, even while carrying my baby on my back, shortly after the peak of summer.

Initially, few people knew what Kakigori was. However, little by little, word began to spread. People from other cities started making the journey to try our Kakigori, and we were fortunate to receive coverage from both national and local media outlets. Our reputation grew through word of mouth, and soon enough, lines began to form, stretching longer and longer with each passing summer.

Shook us big-hit

The events of 2020 brought about the most significant shift in our journey. It prompted me to reconsider why I embarked on this venture in the first place. Starting Soen wasn't just about fulfilling my personal craving for Kakigori as a Japanese creative mind; it was also about conveying the deeply symbolic culture of respecting the invisible and intangible aspects inherent in Japanese beliefs.

This understanding was at the heart of my Kakigori project, and it continues to inspire the mission of Soen today.

Sakiko-Soen Summer of 2022